Killygarry National School is a primary school located on the outskirts of Cavan
town and has an enrolment of just over 200 pupils. We educate boys and girls
from five to twelve years of age. Our school has eight mainstream classes from
junior infants to sixth class. We also have three special education classes. We
are a Catholic school under the patronage of the Bishop of Kilmore but we
cater for pupils of all religious backgrounds and none.

Principal's Message
Welcome to our school website which demonstrates a little bit about life and
learning at Killygarry National School. We hope you will visit our website on a
regular basis to keep informed and up to date with the educational and fun
events which take place both inside and outside the classroom.
Killygarry National School is a vibrant and stimulating learning environment.
Our staff are dedicated to providing an appealing and thought-provoking
education where everyone feels valued and safe and where pupils can achieve
their full potential through the provision of a well-structured and engaging
We value the partnership between home and school and encourage parents
and guardians to take an active part in the education of their children. The
partnership between school staff, parents and other stakeholders is essential.
Children are always at the heart of all we do, as is their social and emotional
well-being, as well as their academic achievements. Mól an Óige agus
Tiocfaidh Sí.
Mise le meas,
Serena Prior
BA(Hons) Ed., MSc. Ed. Man.
Deputy Principal's Message
Again, welcome to our school website which has been designed to provide easy accessible information on the various aspects of school life for all our school community.
There is a long history of quality education in Killygarry N.S. with the old school across the road dating back to 1894. Our current school was opened in 1998 and offers a beautiful building, well-resourced classrooms and spacious shared areas.
This website will give you some idea of the vibrancy of school life. Our vision is to work in partnership with everyone including our pupils, parents, other schools and the whole community to create a positive and inclusive environment for high quality learning and teaching where everyone is valued and respected.
The high standards evident throughout the school are the result of the professionalism of our staff coupled with the commitment and energy of our Pupils, Parents, Parent’s Association and Board of Management.
As a teaching Deputy Principal I look forward to working directly with your child throughout their primary school education.
Mise le meas,
Marie White
BA Ed. (Hons)
Deputy Principal