Mission Statement
St Brigid’s National School, Killygarry is a Catholic Primary School which welcomes children of all religions and nationalities.
We, the school community, believe in the education of the whole child.
Following a child-centred and holistic approach, we endeavour …
To recognise and acknowledge the talents and abilities of each child.
To nurture each child’s talents and self-esteem in a caring and supportive environment.
To provide the learning opportunities which will foster and develop the skills and resources necessary to reach their current and future potential.
To uphold the catholic ethos of the school.
To listen to and respect the child's voice
To build a sense of respect, responsibility and resilience in our students.

Student Life
​Student Life in Killygarry National School is exciting and vibrant where every day is different and brings its own rewards and challenges. Our school provides a foundation for life-long learning. Our students are taught in a stimulating environment where they face daily situations which empowers them for the future. They learn to obey, respect and discipline themselves and they build meaningful relationships with their peers and adults alike. Our students learn to play, make friends, learn skills and live life to the fullest.
Enrolment for all new pupils to the school for the following September takes place during specific dates in January and February. If you click into the Admissions Policy below these dates can be found on the Annual Admissions Notice. We accept late applications also if the class is not full. We also accept admissions to the school during the school year if there is availability in the class you require. For September admissions the following criteria is used when offering places to new pupils
